Urban Interventions at the Otto Spielplatz (Otto Playground)
Project: Moabit Hürdenfrei
Workshop organizers: Alexandre Bailly, Amélie Cayré, Uwe Nicksch, Vasylysa Shchogoleva
Location: Otto Spielplatz, Moabit-Berlin
Year: 2020
The wooden path
The idea came from the experience that it is not so easy to move around in the sand with wheels. That’s why people who use a wheelchair, parents with children’s trolleys, or toys on wheels could previously only move around the edge of the playground, but not be in the middle of it. With the help of the wooden path, it is now also possible to drive into the middle of the playground and those who use wheels can also be part of the games that are played.
Braille on playground signs
There are many great signs at Otto Playground describing different play areas. That’s why we focused on them. In the beginning, the children familiarized themselves with Braille. Then they looked to see which signs that were already up on the Otto playground needed a Braille translation. After that, we designed new signs together: welcome signs and signs with the alphabet in Braille.