Graphic Design & Illustration for Berliner-Notebook

“Du In Berlin” is a notebook that invites newcomers to the city of Berlin to get to a glimpse into the few city’s districts (Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Neukölln). Their activities, public places, and culture. All these information is represented in a very free,  playful manner and serves more as an impulse for the reader to continue to fill in the blank pages with his/her own discoveries of the city and share them with others. In order to be able to do so the idea of the hashtag was introduced #duinberlin, which allows people to share photos from their notebooks on social media.

In order to strengthen the idea of the “notebook” hand drawing and handwriting was selected as the main media for the illustration of the material along with the imitation of the torn out pages and notes from other sources which were carefully drawn on different types of papers and later on scanned. The notebook contains more than 10 original illustrations and various hand-typography.

This piece is a part of the “Refugees Welcome Tours/Guided Tours for NeuBerliner” project initiated and conducted by the id22: Institute of Creative Sustainability. It serves as a documentation and continuation of the project. The notebook was printed in 500 copies and is currently being distributed among the places mentioned in the publication.

The notebook was made in collaboration with Larisa Tsvetkova and Claudia Hirtmann. It was coordinated by id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability and funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung.